Saturday, March 10, 2012

Talent Glorifying to God

Each one of us are blessed with God given talents. We may not recognize them right away in our lives and some may not discover these until much later in life. Talents don't have to be "lime light" talents and can be so many different things. When we recognize these talents and use them to glorify God, its pleasing to him. Some of us may feel like we lack the "shine" in our talents because they aren't "lime light" worthy. But wait, before you discredit yourself to minimizing your talent. really stop and listen to what God wrote on your heart to do. Your talents should never be forced, rather a pursuit to refine them and watch them grow.  It might not be as glamourous as singing or playing NFL football  (Kurt WarnerTim Tebow), but talents big or small are glorifying to God when you use them to honor him.

Your talents might be in cooking, organizing, teaching, creating, motivating, dancing, athletics, mentoring....the list could go on and on. Really focus on what you love, what moves you beyond yourself to dream, to achieve and to believe that you have it within you to pursue! So many of us have dreams and aspirations that I truly believe stem from our God given talents, they are undeniable, they rise up in us like the tide rushing in. When we recognize these, no matter how big or small,  I believe is when we truly start living and are able to bless others.

This beautiful young lady, Brittany Larsen, is truly talented and is obviously on her way to showing the world her God given talents! I hope we can all support her in her pursuit to use her amazing voice to bless others through her music, which is encouraging and beautiful!

Please "like" her song and give her a word of encouragement for stepping out there as a new Christian artist!


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