Thursday, March 22, 2012

Unique Fundraiser For Local Family Pursuing Adoption - News Story - NBCMontana NBC Montana

Unique Fundraiser For Local Family Pursuing Adoption - News Story - NBCMontana NBC Montana

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Just Dance

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"Just dance", my three old tells me when I turn the music on! Sometimes as adults we worry and we forget how to be childlike in this life and just let life roll off our backs! Yes we all have stresses that weigh us down to cause our feet to feel heavy and burdened, but we can learn a lot from a child on how to "just dance!" Since having kids, they have taught me so much about being more carefree and having childlike faith. Yes, I still have to come back to reality everyday and take on the responsibilities of being an adult and a parent, but you need those moments to just let your heart and feet dance! So turn on your favorite song and dance and sing and let your spirit free! Try it, you might be surprised at how restored and uplifted you feel afterwards!

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
(Matthew 11:28-30)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Colored Skinnies-Just Released

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New spring colors just released!!! Be the first to get your spring colored skinnies!

You can go to and enter code#102302! Don't wait until they are out of stock to get yours!

Go to and "like" the page and then get a hold of me for $5 OFF your purchase! TODAY ONLY, offer expires Wednesday, March 14th, 2012!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Talent Glorifying to God

Each one of us are blessed with God given talents. We may not recognize them right away in our lives and some may not discover these until much later in life. Talents don't have to be "lime light" talents and can be so many different things. When we recognize these talents and use them to glorify God, its pleasing to him. Some of us may feel like we lack the "shine" in our talents because they aren't "lime light" worthy. But wait, before you discredit yourself to minimizing your talent. really stop and listen to what God wrote on your heart to do. Your talents should never be forced, rather a pursuit to refine them and watch them grow.  It might not be as glamourous as singing or playing NFL football  (Kurt WarnerTim Tebow), but talents big or small are glorifying to God when you use them to honor him.

Your talents might be in cooking, organizing, teaching, creating, motivating, dancing, athletics, mentoring....the list could go on and on. Really focus on what you love, what moves you beyond yourself to dream, to achieve and to believe that you have it within you to pursue! So many of us have dreams and aspirations that I truly believe stem from our God given talents, they are undeniable, they rise up in us like the tide rushing in. When we recognize these, no matter how big or small,  I believe is when we truly start living and are able to bless others.

This beautiful young lady, Brittany Larsen, is truly talented and is obviously on her way to showing the world her God given talents! I hope we can all support her in her pursuit to use her amazing voice to bless others through her music, which is encouraging and beautiful!

Please "like" her song and give her a word of encouragement for stepping out there as a new Christian artist!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Adoption Fund

Every month, The Jean Revolution will be donating a portion of jean sales to a charitable organization or cause! The organization is selected by the first customer that books a jean event/party for that upcoming month! Every pair of jeans that are sold through The Jean Revolution, Mariah Allen will then donate a portion of monthly sales to that organization or cause! This month, Jena Silverness of Silver Lined Weddings was the lucky customer! Jena chose to donate to the Herzog Adoption Fund!

A jean sale to benefit the Herzog Adoption Fund will be held on Friday, March 16th! Join us for an evening of fun, fashion and fellowship! We hope to see you there!

Herzog Adoption Fund
Jean Sale Fundraiser
Friday, March 16th
3142 Spring Ridge Drive 
Bozeman, MT

For every pair of jeans sold at this event, an additional $5 per pair of jeans will be added to the fund! If you cannot make this event or live out of town, you can still order online and use party code# 102302 or call me to see the inventory! Remember its the whole month of march that you can purchase towards this cause!!

If you need new jeans, why not buy to support a cause! Do something revolutionary! Be the change and together we can make a difference!

If you are not in the market for jeans or you want to give outside purchasing jeans, you can still donate to the Herzog Fund by going to and leaving a comment that you want your donation to go towards the Herzog Adoption.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Winner Is....

The Sunday Contest winner is Jessica Sumner!! Jessica swing on over to The Jean Revolution to redeem your $20 OFF coupon on a pair of designer jeans!! Congratulations and thank you for entering the contest!

Voting Results:

Colored Jeans Back In or Still Out?

Will you be wearing colored jeans this season?

Everyday Baby!
Every weekend!
Maybe on Saturdays when I am not in my hometown!
Maybe in secret!
Wouldn't be caught dead in them again!

Be watching for more contests and not just designer jean giveaways! Follow our blog and watch for great prizes!

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Giveaway

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Sunday Giveaway
$20 OFF Designer Jeans

Contest Rules

1.) Click Here and "Like" The Jean Revolution page and then leave a comment, "Entered Sunday Contest!"

2.) Click Here and place your VOTE about colored jeans and leave a comment so I can see it!

3.) Join The Front Pocket blog (see left column and look for the "Join this Site" button) and choose "the public option" so I can see your entry!

Your done, your name will be entered to win $20 OFF a pair of designer jeans through Vault Denim-The Jean Revolution! Must be entered by 12:00pm MDT. Winner will be announced 03-05-12 right here on The Front Pocket!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

For the LOVE of Pizza!

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Pizza is a weekend favorite at our house! A healthy, lower calorie pizza can be made right at home! I don't remember the last time we had pizza delivered! We always have fresh ingredients in our house such as spinach; yellow, orange & red bell peppers; mozzarella cheese; pesto sauce; olives; and whatever else we can think of to top off our gourmet pizza! 

An avid follower of the Eat Clean Diet, I am pretty good at eating clean during the week! When the weekend rolls around I allow myself to indulge in anything mexican or italian, my two favorites! This weekend the italian gourmet pizza won the craving war! This time though I stepped outside the box and tried to re-create, with my own twist, a fabulous pizza I had at a local gourmet restaurant in town! 
Here is the recipe! Try it out, its delicous!

1 Whole Wheat Pizza Crust 
1/4 c. marscapone cheese or cream cheese
1/4 c. mango chutney
1/4 c. pesto sauce
1/2 c. chopped & mixed red, yellow & orange peppers
1/2 c. sliced prosciutto 
1/2 c. arugula lettuce or spinach
1/2 c. black olives
 1   c. Mozzarella cheese

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Place your whole wheat pizza crust on a pizza stone and lightly coat crust edges with olive oil. Spread marscapone cheese over the entire crust and then top with mango chutney. Add a light amount of pesto sauce on top of the marscapone and mango chutney. Layer prosciutto, peppers, and arugula over sauce. Top liberally with mozzarella cheese and top with black olives.

Cook Time: 25 mins or until golden brown

Be creative! Experiment with making your own homemade pizza crust, homemade pizza sauce and anything fresh you might have! I would've loved to have added pears to this as well, had I had them in the house! And my 2 & 3 year old absolutely loved it!