Thursday, December 13, 2012

Simple~Vintage Toddler Ornaments

Do you have a separate tree for your kids to decorate that you don't care how it looks? Well, I did up until last year when we moved and the fake trees just wouldn't fit in our already stuffed u-haul. I decided to go back to a real tree this year with the loss of the artificial ones. Sad, but almost glad I did. I am enjoying the natural beauty of a real tree. Having two little kids, I was a bit stressed about all the ornaments ending up on the tree that didn't match my "perfectly" decorated tree. Yes, I am one of those people! I love the random Charlie Brown trees that my friends seem so at peace with, but I like them in their house! It also made me feel a bit sad for my 2 and 3 year old that their tree wasn't personalized and looked maybe like the one at Target! So, I decided to make a tradition to let the kids make some of their own "classy~vintage" ornaments! They absolutely loved it and admire their creation every time they walk by the tree!

Things you need:

  • 1 bottle of white acrylic paint
  • 2 unfinished birdhouse ornaments
  • 1 bottle of red glitter acrylic paint
  • 2 small paint brushes
  • washable bowls for paint
  • table cloth or newspapers
  • craft bibs for your kids

Let the fun begin! I had my kids paint the white coat before nap time and then by the time they woke from their naps it was dry and then they applied the red glitter paint when they woke up! The glitter paint was great because they could get it everywhere and it still looked good! I then painted the year on the back and their name on the front. Then I put a coat of clear acrylic spray paint on them. 

If you want the colors to match your tree, just pick out the acrylic paint to match your tree decor! My girls even put craisins in the birdhouse for the birdies to have something to eat! It was there idea!

Here is a quick look at the finished craft.